What will I do?
Massage therapists treat clients by manipulating their muscles and soft tissues with their hands.
Massage therapists work in a variety of places: spas, resorts, cruise ships, gyms, doctor’s office, or chiropractor’s offices. Some massage therapists work out of their homes or travel to their client’s homes.
What classes will I take?
You will learn about the human body. You will learn different massage techniques. The best part about massage therapy school is that you get to practice on each other!
What skills do I need to start school?
You can’t be squeamish about touching other people. Massage therapists usually work on people who are not wearing any clothes.

.You will need to be a good listener. You will need to be able to stand on your feet for long periods of time.
What can I do with a certificate?
A certificate program prepares you to take a state licensing exam (if your state has one).
How long does it take to complete a certificate?
Education requirements vary widely from state to state. Some states require 500 hours, some require 1000 hours. Check with your school’s admissions office.
What can I do with an associate’s degree?
Some schools offer an associate’s degree in Massage Therapy. Earning an associate’s degree will enhance your professional skills.
What are some challenges?
Some schools may require you to pass a background check. Hours can be erratic when you first start out, until you establish regular clients.
How easy will it be to get a job?
Employment of massage therapists is projected to grow 26 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. Continued growth in the demand for massage services will lead to new openings for massage therapists. Source