Choosing a college can be overwhelming. Do you want to go to a community college or a four-year school? Do you want to move to a different city? Do you want to go to a big school or a small school? Here are some tips to help you choose the right school for you.
- Make sure you feel comfortable there. You’re going to be spending a lot of time on
campus, so above all you should feel safe and comfortable there.
- Can you afford it? You might love the tree-lined campus at a private college, but if it means going it to significant debt to go there, you should probably keep looking.
- Decide what size school you want to go to. Some people love going to small schools where they feel like they get more individual attention. Some people want to go to large schools where they can blend into the crowd. You need to decide what feels right for you.
- Does it have a major that you want? You don’t have to declare your major just yet, but if you are thinking about majoring in exercise science, and a school doesn’t offer it, maybe you should look at other schools.